Hey guys! I just got tagged for a Leibster Award by an amazing beauty and fashion blogger Amelia, whose blog is "Paris when it's Pink". Her blog posts are really great and her reviews are helpful. She's just amazing, check it out!!
As part of this award the rules are...
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the questions in the tag (the person who awarded you should have a set of questions!)
3. Choose 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to award this to and link them in this post.
4. Tell them you have awarded it to them!
11 things about me:
1. I love laughing more than anything else
2. I play a lot of video games (Grand tourismo & Tekken)
3. Everyday I have to lose something (phone, keys, lipstick, etc...it's annoying guys!)
4. I think totes were the best invention of all bags
5. My favorite prints are animal prints (especially leopard) and polka dots
6. I love scary movies
7. I was a tomboy as I was growing up until the age of 16
8. I tend to procrastinate and dream with my eyes open sometimes (lol...nope I'm not a weirdo!)
9. My biggest fear is snakes, snakes and SNAKES (unless they come on a bag/shoe design print!)
10. Most of my outfits are usually paired with a hat
11.I love being in pictures although I'm conscious I'm not a good poser (so don't say "picture time" when I'm around!lol)
11 questions from Amelia:
1.What is your favourite clothing brand? H&M without any hesitation!
2.How would you describe your own style? A little bit of everything, I can't really categorize my style, all I can say is that it depends on my mood
3.Who is your style icon? Rihanna without any hesitation, even if she would wear a trash bag, I'd still find it very stylish and be amazed in admiration!
4.Who do you find an inspiration? It could be celebrities or people around you! Anywhere in my environment (Tv shows, movies, family, even cartoons!!)
5.Do you prefer a natural make up look or glamorous? Depend on the occasion but I choose natural
6.How do you like to spend your holiday? Traveling and doing risky and adrenaline-rising activities!
7.Winter or Summer fashion? Summer fashion
8.What's your favourite band/music artist? Rihanna again (and some Beyonce)!
9.Do you have any hobbies? 1. Sleeping(it's not lame!), 2. Drawing, 3. Extreme activities, 4. Girls night out, 5. blogging!
10.What's your favourite film? Inception (I love the fact that I didn't understand one thing about the movie, I didn't even realize that the movie ended until I saw the actors names...you know that thing in the end, with the black background and the names in white scrolling up or down, you know what I'm talking about lol)
11.Are you a morning person or a night owl? A night Owl!
11questions that I'm asking:
1. If you could only own, carry or wear one item, what would it be?
2. What's your worst nightmare or biggest fear in life?
3. Which magazine or book is your favorite?
4. What post do you like the most on my blog?
5. If you had to live in another country other than yours, which one would it be!
6. Why to question 5?
7. What's your favorite drink (it could be a soda, just water or anything else if you know what I mean...lol let's be serious!!)?
8. If you could be anything, what would it be?
9. What motivate you or makes you laugh when you're down?
10. If you had to change one thing about you, what would it be?
11. Who's your style icon?
Blogs I send the award to:
P.S. I wish I could nominate more blogs, I would have nominated everybody because all the blogs I follow are interesting and 'unique en son genre' !!
(Now ladies I can't wait to read your answers to my questions!)

i agree with you on snakes, so scary. And I grew up with all boys so i understand tomboy! following you!
I love scary movies too :)
snakes are some unfriendly hahaha.
I follow you:)
I follow you now! Follow back?
Thank you SO MUCH! I feel truly honoured that you thought of me for this award :-) I'm working on my post now...
yay for blog awards!
Thanks so much!
congrats on the award...you have a very lovely blog:)
Congrats on the award...
Thanks for nominating me :) I will answer the question over the weekend.
Have a great weekend hun.
Thank you for nominating me! I am so honored! I'm working on my post now :)
Hey there,
I'm grace (they call me blondie) and i'm starting up my own blog. I love yours, and could really do with the support at the moment, so just a comment would be amazing to offer advice! I'll be following, as i love your blog!
Lots of Love
Blondie X
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